Our shiny new website

So I decided to build this website myself and, well it was both easier and more difficult than I thought it would be. Having never done anything like this before I was daunted at having to "design a website". I mean, where do you start? Well my fear was soon turned into curiosity as I realized, actually, this is pretty straightforward (thank you wordpress.com). If there's anything I don't know how to do I can just type it into Google and, as if by magic, I find that the answer is there. Somebody somewhere has already asked the question. So… easy peasy.Well, no.The actual designing was the easy bit (although error strewn and time-consuming) and I learned loads of new words (like "search engine optimization" - should it be mysorestyle.ie or mysorestyleyoga.ie or ashtangayogamysorestyle.ie or yogamysore.ie or……I'm sure we've chosen the wrong one).I realized that, actually, I have to try to describe the vast area of Ashtanga Yoga, Mysore Style, pay justice to Guruji, Sharath and all the other practitioners who have gone before us while trying to be as informative as possible and give any visitors to the site all the information, and encouragement, they need to come to a class (because once they come, they always love it). And of course writing about yourself is always difficult.Anyway, for what it's worth, this is our new website and we hope you like it. Having a website makes us feel very grown-up. If it means one person discovers the power of Ashtanga Yoga then it will not have been a waste of time.John


What does 'Ashtanga' mean